Saturday, 8 August 2015

Empowering people with Positive Thoughts

Thoughts that people harbour in the inner recesses of their minds are either negative or positive. Negative thoughts are dark depressive and can even be destructive. A person with a negative mindset can view things only in their negative form. To him most things are painted black. There is no porosity for sunshine to filter in. Hence the thoughts and actions which germinate from such a mindset are generally reprehensible in character. Its physical manifestation is always ugly and it generally results in a colossal damage and destruction. Hence negative thoughts must never be entertained or encouraged for they are harmful and cause much suffering to those who become victims. Moreover, it is always seen that the individual harbouring such thoughts get equally affected too by their vileness. The velocity of their destruction is far greater than any mechanical or explosive device can cause. Its destructive power is all the more worrisome because it actually has the human psyche in its grip.

Human beings are social animals. We are naturally gregarious. hence by natural law  we interact with each other without being judgmental. In the process of interaction human beings influence each other as thoughts are not confined in the recesses of the individual's mind only. Thoughts are what we are and we are what our thoughts are . The two are intrinsically bound and hence the resultant synergy finds expression in our speech and actions. How we look upon people, what our behaviour is towards them, our reactions and so on. We have enough historical evidence, both past and present show us the destruction, the mayhem that people with discordant minds can cause. How many wars have have the world fought? How many riots ? How many acts of revenge have been perpetrated? It is time we learnt from our past experiences and tried to change not only ourselves but also mentor  others to change.

This is perhaps the only effective way that a change can be brought about. But success will not be easily achieved. The road will have many twists and turns. We have to introspect deeply and find ways to change out thought process. We must also stop being in the company of negative minded people and try to be with people who have positive characteristics. A laborious and uphill task this will be but we must try nevertheless. Since the human psyche is resistant to change, our efforts need to be stepped up to the point of being convincingly persuasive.

Studies and research have shown that the mind can be empowered with positive energy in order to improve our mental wellness. By self-analysing and mentoring by the people who are positive minded,om we can control our negative thoughts and feelings. By constant vigilance we can prevent ourselves from being overtaken by negative feelings of anger, jealousy or thoughts of revenge. This is why it is always heartening to meet a person who always upholds a positive perspective of life.  A person who can easily smile, appreciate others' success, can readily compliment people, exudes a confidence which is infectious. His confidence makes others feel confident and invigorated. If we can change the direction of our negative energy and channelise our thoughts into positive energy we can extradicate much of the negativity that exists among us. As someone said, "Your mind is a garden, Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or weeds."

Surendralal Mehta
Bhavan's Journal, 31, 2o13

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Water: The most undervalued Resource

Water is without doubt one of the most undervalued resource of earth. Without water life would not exist on the planet- all living beings rely on water and without it life cases to exist. Human beings can exist without food for upto a month, but without drinking water survival is limited to a matter of days.

Effects of Water on a Human body

The brain:-  75% water

Fatigue: Water is the most Vital sources of energy in the body. Dehydration causes the enzymatic activity in the body to slow down, resulting in tiredness and fatigue
Asthma and Allergies: When dehydrated, your body will restrict  airways as a means to conserve water. In fact the rate of histamine produces by body increases exponentially as the body loses more and more water

Blood :- 92 % Water

The blood is normally 92% water when the body is fully hydrated. When dehydrated, the blood becomes thicker causing resistance to blood flow and resulting in elevated blood pressure.
High Cholesterol: when the body is dehydrated, it will pproduce more cholesterol to prevent water loss from the cells

Digestive disorders: A shortage of water and alkaline minerals, such as Calcium and Magnesium can lead to a number of digestive disorders, including ulcers, Gastritis and Acid Reflux

Constipation: When short of water, the colon is one of the primary regions the body draws water from in order to provide fluids for other critical body functions. Without adequate water, wastes move through the large intestines much more slowly or sometimes not at all, resulting in constipation.

Bones: 22 % Water, Muscles: 75 % Water

Joint pain and Stiffness: All joints have cartilage padding which is composed mainly of water. When the body is dehydrated, cartilage is weakened and joint repair is slow resulting in pain and discomfort Kidneys or Bladder problems

With a dehydrated body, the accumulation of toxins and acid waster creates an environment where bacteria thrive, resulting in the bladder and kidney to be more prone to infection, inflammation and pain
Weight Gain:
When dehydrated, cells are depleted of energy which causes them to rely on alternative sources. As a result people tend to eat more when, in reality, the body is thirsty.

Premature Ageing: When in dehydrated the body’s organs including its largest organ, the Skin, begins to wrinkle and wither prematurely.

Did you know?

When you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated.

Drinking 8 ounce glasses of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner while also cutting back on portions with help you loose weight and keep it off for atleast a year according to research.

Drinking cold water can speed your metabolism and burn calories. The effects of elevated metabolism begin about 10 minutes after consuming the water and peak at 30-40 minutes after drinking

Researchers estimate that over the course of a year, a person who increased his water consumtin by 1.5 liters a day would burn extra 17.400 calories, for a weight loss of approximately 5 Pounds

You should Drink only Water! The number one source of excessive calories in a person’s diet is Sugar-based beverages such as Soda and Fruit Juices

Just one can of Soda pop: 35 gms of Sugar, 140 calories

One glass of Water: 0 grams Sugar and 0 Calories

Factors that require increased water consumption: Exercise, Environment, Illness, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding. The average adult loses about 10 cups of water everyday simply by breathing, sweating, urinating and eliminating waste.