Thursday, 30 October 2014

The Purpose and Need for Purana's

The sacred Vedas, especially the Upanishad's which are part of them are for those who profess their faith in Sanathana Dharma, Pramanas or Irrefutable authoritative texts. They have come down to us encapsulated in Sanskrit language, the Paripoorna bhasha(Complete language).

However, in the form in which they have come down to us, orally and in written language, they are couched in such a complex form that even great scholars have found it necessary to write commentaries on them. These commentaries are explanations and interpretations. Scholars and intellectuals amongst us however find a need to have even the commentaries explained in order to comprehend and assimilate the wisdom enshrined in them. How difficult it is for people understand them can be seen from the fact that even the great Acharyas(Guru's) or premier teachers differ among themselves in the way each interprets the sacred texts. Thus we have Advaita, Dwaita, Visishtadvaita and so on. There are sharp differences among the interpretations.

The ancient seers who cognised, comprehended, realised and bequeathed what they found to the generations that followed, were well aware of the fact that most of the wisdom would remain beyond the powers of comprehension of the masses. They therefore created or composed the Purana's - The term Purana means Ancient. The Rishi's wove stories and through the characters in them they helped the masses to grasp the wisdom of the Veda's and guided them to follow the examples of the characters and learn what they should do and should not do to remain within the safe folds of Sanatana Dharma. Apart from the allegorical form of teaching, the encyclopaedic realm of the Puranas cover such varied academic topics as history, georaphy as also social customs and traditions. These puranic themes, harmonised in various ways, probably prompted Maj. Gen Charles Stuart (1758-1828) to observe on HIndu Mythology. Whenever i look around me in the vast region of Hindu mythology, I discover piety in the garb of allegory and I see morality, at every turn, blended with every tale , and, as far as I can rely on my own judgement, it appears the most complete and ample system of Moral allegory that the world has ever produced".

The profound significance and beauty of what the puranas convey in an easily understandable and assimilable form is by projecting fundamental facts through the actions of characters in the puranas. The puranas convey in unmistakable terms the fact that no matter how exalted a person may be,  any swerving away from their moral moorings and the righteous path or conduct can bring to naught all their noble achievements and glory. The descend can occur if one succumbs to kama or Lust, Krodha or Anger, Lobha or Greed, Moha or Emotional attachement, Mada or Ahamkara, Pride and Arrogance and Matsarya, Envy or Jealousy.

Vedas are for intellectuals and initiated. Puranas are there for all of us. both contain the same fundamental values of life and teach us the Art of Living !

What the Vedas and Puranas convey between them is the value of virtues and how they can turn out to be futile and ineffective when we even momentarily swerve away and become adrift from the path of virtuous conduct and behaviour.

Sunderlal G Mehta
BVB, 30, 2013

Improving Ones' Metabolism

Metabolism is a chemical process in our body, which can be described as the speed of calorie burning or the number of calories we burn every day. Every person has an individual metabolic rate, and that is why some of us can eat a lot and remain slim, and some have to eat less in order to remain in a normal weight.

Some people have low metabolism, so calories burn slower in their body and the rest of the calories get stored. Some people have high metabolism, so they can eat a lot and have lower risks of putting on weight.

Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day. It helps increase your metabolism and remove toxins and extra fat from the body. Drinking ice cold water before meals will shrink your stomach so you feel full quicker.

Eat 4-6 times a day and avoid skipping meals. Failure to eat consistently can lead to a slower metabolism and fat storage. Skipping meals slows down your metabolism.

Your first meal that is the breakfast sets your metabolism for the day and keeps it going as long as you eat every three hours. If you get up early and eat a late breakfast, you missed out on several hours of burning calories.

Trans fats are found in biscuits, breads, confectionaries, fast-foods, fried food items, including namkeens, fried sweets, many cakes and pastries, ready to eat meals, fast foods, junk foods, microwave meals and snacks and much of the street, restaurant and hotel food etc. They harm by increasing the cholesterol levels in the blood. They also increase other harmful fats in the blood. They also bring down the "good cholesterol", or HDL cholesterol, in the blood. You will never get the body you desire by eating fast food, frozen dinners etc. If it's man-made, it's not the best choice. So, avoid trans fats as far as possible.

Stay active at least six days a week. Exercise, jog or at least walk 2-3 km daily. Take the stairs whenever possible or park further out to get that little bit of extra movement and keep the heart and lungs working optimally. Studies have shown that little movements such as tapping your toes while working also help burn calories.

Fibre can rev your fat burn by as much as 30 percent. Studies find that those who eat the most fibre gain the least weight over time. Aim for about 25 grams a day- the amount in about three servings each of fruits and vegetables.

Studies in the past have shown that those who go to bed late and sleep less than the required 6-7 hours tend to be more stressed out and have more visceral fat. Visceral fat, also called intra-abdominal fat, refers to the fat that surrounds the internal organs.

Protein helps stabilise the secretion of insulin into your blood stream, a process that can boost metabolism. The average person would benefit from protein intake at a minimum of 70 grams or higher each day.

Although exercising any time is good for you, evening activity may be particularly beneficial. Many people's metabolism slows down olangatoward the end of the day. Thirty minutes of aerobic activity before dinner increases your metabolic rate and may keep it elevated for other two or three hours.

If you follow those crash diets that ask you to almost starve for food, then beware. Not eating anything may translate into a slower metabolism and fat storage.


Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Spice here, Rat poison there!

Cinnamon in extensively used as a spice in India. Traditionally both Cinnamon and Cassia are in use as spices and in the manufacture of spices. Since Cassia has created health problems, most of the European countries have banned its imports. USA, UK and Germany are importing Cassia to make Rat poison. In India, the product in the Indian market is Cinnamon zeylanicum .i.e., Cassia or Cinnamon cassia. This fake cinnamon contains Coumarin that is extensively used as a rat poison.

Coumarin damages liver and kidneys in humans even in small doses, The problem is that most people do not know what true Cinnamon looks or smells like. People prefer cassia for its smell and taste which is sharper than cinnamon. The imported cost of Cassia is Rs 35/- Per Kg while that of the Cinnamon is between Rs. 150/- t Rs. 600/- per kg. The problem is that Cassia is being substituted extensively. Cinnamon and Cassia are two different plants. It is unfortunate no major steps are taken by the concerned countries to curb such practices.

From a Letter
BVB, Nov, 2013

10 Ways to Cut Down Calories

A small spoonful (5mL) of most cooking oils has more than 40 calories. So, use only a few drops while cooking.

Change your nonstick pans once the coating wears off. The expense is worth the calories saved.

All the foods that you eat fried can be eaten grilled, roasted, or steamed. This means oil-free cooking and considerable calories saved.

Instead of having fruit juice at breakfast, have fruits. While an average orange has about 60 calories, a glass (250mL) of orange juice has more than 100 calories.

Soft drinks are an easy route through which calories sneak into your body. Avoid these sugary drinks and have more water instead.

Fruit smoothies, flavored ice candies, flavored yogurt are all relatively low calorie options. An appealing bowl of chilled mixed fruits can also help take your mind off the ice-cream.

Low fat milk and yogurt has about half the calories as its full fat version. Instead of avoiding dairy altogether switch to the low fat variety.

Make it a habit to put your food on a plate or bowl before you eat it. This means not eating handfuls directly from the bag.

Eat at home before stepping out or carry a homemade snack in your bag. Eat out only when you are eating-out.

Calorie cutting should be a slow and steady effort rather than the launch of a sudden war against food. Try to reduce and change your eating habits over a couple of weeks and not overnight.


Bestowed Power

"Those who, by good fortune, only rise from mere private station to the dignity of princess, have but little trouble in achieving that elevation, for they fly there, as it were, on wings; but their difficulties begin after they have been placed in that high position. Such are those who acquire a state either by means of money, or by the favour of some powerful monarch who bestows it upon them. Many such instances occurred in Greece, in the cities of Ionia and of the Hellespont, where men were made princes by Darius so that they might hold those places for his security and glory. And such were those emperors who from having been mere private individuals attained the empire by corrupting the soldiery. These remain simply subject to the will and the fortune of those who bestowed greatness upon them, which are two most uncertain and variable things. And generally these men have neither the skill nor the power to maintain that high rank."

Nicola Machiavelli
Italian Political Philosopher

Exercising tips for pregnant women

The very first thing is to discuss your exercise regimen with your doctor. Your doctor is going to have the most information about your health issues and any risks that you and your baby may face in the months to come.

Your body really does know what it can and can't handle in terms of exercise. Perform only those exercises which do not make you feel uncomfortable.

It's definitely healthy to exercise while you are pregnant. Stick to a regular routine to maintain the rhythms of your body. Starting and stopping exercise throughout a pregnancy is much harder on the body than simply maintaining a routine throughout your pregnancy.

Go slow while transitioning between exercises or physical activities. Slowing down will make all of your actions more fluid and safer for your body.

Warm up and cool down exercises must be done every single time when you exercise. During pregnancy, it's particularly important to warm up and cool down. Make sure to pay attention to this part of your exercise routine.

Women should learn about the right positions for her body while exercising. These are important things to know when you are exercising, especially if you are doing any form of on-the-floor exercise.

Don't overheat your body. This can lead to exhaustion and problems with your body. Make sure that you wear breathable clothing that will prevent overheating. Pay attention to the temperature in the room or outside when you are working out.

You should reduce the amount of exercise as the baby's due date gets closer. This is due to your own physical limitations as well as the increased risk for pre-term labour among highly active women.

A personal trainer experienced in working with pregnant women is a great asset during this time. A pre-natal class (such as a yoga class for pregnant woman) is another great option.

Walking is probably the best exercise for a pregnant woman. It is an excellent way to tone muscles and help you get sound sleep at night.


Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Benefits of Drinking Water

Water flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown and thus helps one lose weight. 

Drinking water also reduces hunger as it makes you feel fuller. It's thus an effective appetite suppressant. Plus, water has zero calories.

Water helps relieve headache and back pains caused due to dehydration. Although there are many other reasons contribute to headache, dehydration is one of the most common.

Water replenishes skin tissues, moisturises skin and increases skin elasticity. It hydrates the skin and makes you look younger.

Drinking water regulates your body temperature. You'll feel more energetic while exercising as water helps fuel your muscles.

Drinking water raises your body metabolism because it helps digest food. Fibre and water goes hand in hand so that you can have your daily bowel movement.

Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated, decreasing the possibility of cramps and sprains.

Drinking water help you fight against flu and other ailments like kidney stones and heart attack.

Water helps flushing out toxins and waste products from the body.

Your brain is mostly made up of water, thus drinking water helps you think better, be more alert and more concentrate.

Scientific studies have shown that water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with bladder lining and thus reduces cancer risk.


10 Foods that help prevent Acne

Olive oil lotion absorbs into skin without clogging pores, allowing skin to breathe which in turn help prevent acne.

Lemon juice helps in eliminating acid waste and cleansing the liver with citric acid and building up enzymes to eliminate blood toxins. It also flushes out pores and keeps your skin feeling fresh and bright.

Watermelon is very useful for removing blemishes on the skin. It is rich in vitamins A, B and C and keeps the skin fresh, radiant and hydrated. It also prevents eruption of acne and remove scars and marks of acne.

Eating a balanced diet is the best way to have a healthy skin. Low-fat dairy product consists of vitamin A, which is one of the most important components of healthy skin.

Raspberries are a healthy as they are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. These are rich in phytochemicals that are protective of skin.

Yogurt has antifungal and antibacterial qualities, so it is useful for cleansing the skin and unblocking clogged pores.

Eating walnuts regularly help to improve the smoothness and softness of the skin. Walnuts oils contain linoleic acid, which helps to maintain the skin's structure, keeping it watertight and well hydrated.

Dietary selenium comes from nuts, cereals etc. Some studies show that even skin damaged by the sun may suffer fewer consequences if selenium levels are high.

Apples contain lots of pectin and it is the enemy of the acne. So, remember to eat the skin too as pectin is mostly concentrated there.

Water carries nutrition and oxygen to your internal body, keeping organs nourished, vital, and fit to fight acne.


Arthritis and Exercise

Arthritis is a general term used to refer many diseases related to pain, stiffness, and swelling in joints and connective tissue. Exercise reduces joint pain and stiffness and increases flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance. It also helps with weight reduction and contributes to an improved sense of well-being.

Exercise is one part of a comprehensive arthritis treatment plan. Treatment plans may also include rest / relaxation, proper diet and medication.

Range-of-motion exercises help maintain normal joint movement and relieve stiffness. This type of exercise helps maintain or increase flexibility. Range of motion exercises can be done daily and should be done at least every other day.

Strengthening exercises help keep or increase muscle strength. Strong muscles help support and protect affected joints. Strengthening exercises also can be done daily and should be done at least every other day unless you have severe pain or swelling in your joints.

Aerobic or endurance exercises improve cardiovascular fitness, help control weight, and improve overall function. Weight control can be important to people who have arthritis because extra weight puts extra pressure on many joints. Endurance exercises should be done for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week unless you have severe pain or swelling in your joints.

Before you start, you should discuss exercise options with your doctor. Many people with arthritis begin with easy, range-of-motion exercises and low-impact aerobics.

It is best to find a physical therapist who has experience working with people who have arthritis. The therapist will design an appropriate home exercise program and teach you about pain-relief methods, proper body mechanics (placement of the body for a given task, such as lifting a heavy box), joint protection, and conserving energy.

Apply heat to sore joints (optional; many people with arthritis start their exercise program this way).

Stretch and warm up with range-of-motion exercises.

Use cold packs after exercising (optional; many people with arthritis complete their exercise routine this way).

Add aerobic exercise and also include appropriate recreational exercise (after doing range-of-motion, strengthening, and aerobic exercise).

Ease off if joints become painful, inflamed, or red and consult with your doctor to find the cause and eliminate it.

Choose the exercise program you enjoy most and make it a habit.


10 Tips for Looking Younger

Sleep helps regulate your body's metabolism and helps you stay fresh. Take 6-8 hours of sleep daily for a healthy and younger looking skin.

Just 30 minutes of a moderate activity for three or four times a week can help you can help you stay disease-free by strengthening your immune system.

Having four to five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables will help you have a fresh and younger skin and a healthy body.

Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. It helps hydrate the skin and also removes impurities from the body.

Ultraviolet rays from the sun have the potential to damage your skin and also often results in dehydration. Apply a good sun block, according to your skin type before going out in the sun.

Those who remain happy and avoid stress look young and healthy. So, avoid stress by practicing relaxation exercises and thinking positive.

A diet rich in antioxidants like broccoli, red peppers, cauliflower and other yellow, red and green vegetables that are high in vitamins A, C and E that fight the oxidation that damages your tissues.

Start your day with a morning walk. When you feel fit and healthy your self-confidence increases and you feel more able to cope with the demands made on you. Time spent in walking means time taken off from the stresses of daily life.

Many diseases are linked to stress and negative thoughts, as well as some degenerative conditions that are associated with aging. Accept situations that you can't change and deal with the ones that you can.

Make sure that your immunisations are up to date and that you have regular health examinations that are recommended for your age.


Monday, 20 October 2014

3 Body Constituents and its types

All functions of nervous system are represented through 'Vata' in Ayurveda. In general, the functions ascribed to 'Vata' are: Control and co-ordination of different parts of the body, initiation of all movements, regulation of psychological processes, initiation of all activities of sense organs, transmission of different sensations, production of speech, secreto-motor functions in the gut, expulsion of wastes from the body and control of respiration (Ca. Su. 12/8) 'Vata' is divided into five sub-types- 'Prana', 'Udana', 'Vyana', 'Samaana', and 'Apaana'
Located in brain, and is responsible for the control over intellectual functions, cardio-vascular functions, sense organs, psychological activities, respiration and reflex activities like sneezing, belching and deglutition (A. H. Su. 12/5). 

Cortical functions and intelligence

Sensory perceptions
Functioning of heart.


Situated in chest
Moves to throat, nose, lungs and upper GI
Controls Speech, memory and Insight etc
Courage, Endeavour, Discrimination and alertness of Mind


Located in the heart
  • ·         Moves all over the body (Cardiac functions and Circulation)
  • ·         Attrbuted to all movements
  • ·         Opening and closing of eyelids, yawning, Sweating
  • ·         Taste perception
  • ·         Motility of Sperm
  • ·         Nourishment to the issue and separation of waste products from the system

  • ·         Located near agni (Stomach and Intestines)
  • ·         Food absorption
  • ·         Assists the digestion of food
  • ·         Separation of nutrients and waste products

  • ·         Situated in lumbosacral region
  • ·         Reproduction and excretory activities
  • ·         Expulsion of foetus

  • ·         Located in the small intestine (Lower gastrium and duodenum)
  • ·         Controls digestion and assimilation of food, separates nutrients and waste products
  • ·         Controls other forms of Pitta in the body

·         Located in the stomach, liver, and spleen
·         Imparts colour to blood
·         Located in the heart
·         Imparts colour to blood
·         Located in the eyes
·         Helps in the vision
·         Located in the skin
·         Controls colour and complexion of skin and absorption of external therapies

·         Located in the Chest, Shoulders and Sacrum
·         Controls other kaphas, water balance, and supports body fluid systems
·         Located in the stomach
·         Moistens the food
  • ·         Located in the toungue
  • ·  Controls taste perception

  • ·         Located in the head
  • ·         Nourishes sense organs

  • ·         Located in the joints
  • ·         Lubricates joints
  •        Stability to joints 
Compiled Ashtanga Hrudaya

Friday, 17 October 2014

Pray to shed tears.

If you want to shed your miseries, learn ti sit silently and pray solemnly. Prayer is a proven method to attain peace and wish-fulfilment. It is being used as a meditative tool the world over, for many thousand years, in nearly every religious tradition. “What things so ever ye desire, when you pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them”, says the Holy Bible (Mark 11:24)

Prayer is a stimulant to creative ideas that help in finding solutions to our problems.  Insight, direction and illumination are divinely given to people who habitually resort to prayer. They feel better, do better, Prayer helps in harmonious functioning of their body and soul.

Chanting of mantras, hymns, ritualistic veneration in temples, mosques, churches and synagogues or repeating the name of God or Goddess reverentially through the beads of a rosary are all forms of prayer.

Through the premise, reasons, language, formulae and contents of prayers differ widely from religion to religion yet the aim in all of them is the same to entreat God to redress the devotee’s grievances or seek forgiveness for sins already committed.

A prayer may be in prose or in verse, a silent mental request or a group entreat
Do not assume , even for a minute that only stereotyped Sanskrit, Latin or Arabic phrases are fit for prayers to be responded by the Almighty. You may select to pray in your own language, God ofcourse understands all the languages.

Pray with convictions and devotion. Make your prayer straight, short and direct prayers are more effective and rewarding. But while praying, do thank god first for the countless blessings bestowed on you.

This will put you in a positive frame of reference. Then ask him the desire-fulfillment. People generally pray to get wealth or worldly possession, freedom from disease or success in their endeavours

Instead of asking him to rig the race or to beat someone or to make you number one, ask to give you the strength to face adversity and the courage to get through the struggle

Pray with a positive bent of mind for yourself as well as for others whom you do not like or who have mistreated you in the past.

The more you pray for others, the more positive results of your endeavours will accrue to make your life problem-free and peaceful.

Your prayer maybe one of the many forms, a short shloka, a big stothra or any sort of worshipping ritual, but the inner core is always the same .i.e., seeking divine favour or wish fulfilment.

Vedic scriptures have a large number of prayers.

A few of them, given below, are regarded as very effective in terms if getting favourable response.

“Pashyema Sharada Shatham
Jeevema Sharada Shatham
Bhudhyema Sharada Shatham
Rohema Sharada Shatham
Pooshema Sharada Shatham
Bhayema Sharada Shatham
Bhuuyema Sharada Shatham
Bhuuyaasi Sharada Shatham”- Atharva Veda 19:67:1-8
O Lord!May we See, Live, Progress, Remain Pious, Prudent, Strong and Powerful a hundred years
“Ohm Bhadram Karnepi Shrunuyaama Devaah:
Bhadram Pashyemaakshabhiryajatraah
Sthirairangaistushtuvaam Sastanoobhih:
Vyashema Devahitham Yadaayuh:
Swati Na Indro Vridhashravaah:
Swasthi Nah Poosha Vishwaveedaaah
Swasthi nastaarkshyo Arishtanemih
Swasthi no Bruhaspathir Dadhaathu
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi:” RigVeda 1:89,8

Ohm, O God ! Let us hear promising things through our ears
O respectful God! Let us see propitious things through our eyes
Let our organs and body be stable, healthy and strong
Let us do what is pleasing to God in the life span allotted to us
May Indra described in the scriptures do well to us
May Purushan who posses the entire knowledge of the world, do good to us and May Trakshya who devastates enemies do good to us
May Brihaspathi do good to us
Ohm Peace Peace Peace

Millions of Hindu’s from all castes have been praying to visible sun by chanting the Gayathri Mantra from time immemorial, both at dawn and dusk. It is held as a supreme prayer to invoke the divine
Attempts to please God of wealth, Kubera are suggested to be made through the following prayer in 


“Rajadhirajaya Prashyasahino
Namo Vayam Vaisravanaaya Kuurmahaey
Sa May Kaamaaan
Kaama kaamaaya Mahyam”

We offer salutations to vaishravana that is Kuvera who is the king of all kings and the conqueror of others by his might.

Many troubled souls have experienced miracles in their lives after reciting (108 times daily) the following incantation from Durga Saptashati to get rid of sufferings from poverty, childlessness, enemies and accidents.

People are prone to commit sins at some stage of life and repent later. Prayers for atonement (and seeking mercy of God) are also found in various scriptures.

The devotees of shakthi have been using the following one developed by Adi Sankaracharya:

“I know neither Mantra nor Yantra
I Know not songs of praise.
I do not know how to invoke you or meditate
I do not know how the stories about you
I do not know the mudras
I do not cry out in anguish
I know only this, that taking refuge in you alone will destroy my sorrows
You have many sons, among them I am the most insignificant
O mother it doesn’t become thee to give me up
For there may be a bad son, but never a bad mother.
There is none to beat me in sin, None to surpass you in forgiveness
Knowing this , O mother do what is proper.”

The following Jewish prayer may have a powerful appeal any person sincerely seeking atonement for his past sins:

“We have abused and betrayed.
We are cruel
We have destroyed and embittered other people’s lives. We are false to ourselves.
We have gossiped about others and hated them.
We have insultedand jeered.
We have lied.
We have misled others and neglected them.
We are obstinate.
We have robbed and stolen.
We have transgressed through unkindness.
We have been violent and weak.
We have practised extortion
We yielded to strong desires and our zeal was misplaced.
Yet you know everything hidden and unrevealed.
You know mysteries of universe and intimate secrets of everyone alive.
You probe our body state.
You see into the heart and mind.
Nothing escapes you nothing is hidden from your gaze.
Our God and God of our fathers have mercy on us and pardon all our sins. Grant atonement for all our inequities, forgiveness for all our transgressions.”

The high moral principle of confessing and repenting for sins is clearly perceptible in the Jewish prayer.

Our subconscious mind is most relaxed during the devotional prayers and sends guiding signals to the conscious mind to shed misery. A prayer has to be made with total faith, in a  meditative way, without any doubt about its efficacy. Fix up a certain time for offering the prayer. In case it is not possible due to occupational responsibilities one may pray anytime, at any quiet place. A famous doctor of AIIMS New Delhi prays every morning while exercising on his treadmill, as he is hardly free for the whole day.

Praying regularly with faith and conviction over a long period of time transforms a person. As every action is said to produce an equal and opposite reaction, prayer too being an action addressed to God is bound to give the appropriate result. God does answer every single prayer in his own time and, sometimes, when a prayer goes unanswered, that is the answer.

Thank God for unanswered prayers. You need to grow stronger; and when you continue to grow like this, great things are sure to happen and when they do, you may need extra-strength to bear them. Unflinching faith will make you stronger.
Lord Krishna Exhorts-
“Sarva dharmaan Parithyajya
Mamekam Saranam Vraja:
Aham thwam sarva Paapebhyo
Mokshayishyaami Maa Srujah:”

(Abandon all dharma’s extrovert tendencies of body, mind and intellect and take refuge in me alone; I will liberate thee from all sins, grieve not. Gita 18:66)

According to Sri Ramanuja, this is the Charam-Sloka, the topmost message from the Lord in Bhagavad Gita.
BVB, Jan 2013